Brian Cox Athletic Scholarship

The Brian Cox Athletic Scholarship was established when Brian was tragically killed in a car accident in July 2008 when home for the summer after his first year of college. Brian was an organ donor; his liver was given to an eight year old girl, a lifesaving gift. Many others benefitted from the organs Brian donated. Brian’s family and friends organized The Brian Cox Golf Tournament to raise money for a scholarship in his honor. They have continued this tradition annually at Riverside Golf Course the last Saturday of July in remembrance of Brian. The scholarship account has continued to grow.
Brian was a W. F. West graduate from the Class of 2007. He excelled in three sports: golf, basketball and baseball. He played each of those sports throughout his four years of high school. The scholarship is given to an athlete(s) in Brian’s name each year to help with the cost of college, and to recognize the recipient(s) for his/her passion and dedication to athletics.